


Easter wishes
On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, the EAFBE Foundation would like...
A visit of the Tennis Association from Ningbo
On May 1-4, the Foundation together with the Warsaw-Masovian Tennis Ass...

Shanghai ranks 5th in economic influence

Shanghai remains the fifth-most economically influential city globally but it has a long way to go in terms of living environment, PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report yesterday.

London, Beijing, New York and Paris are the top-four cities for economic clout, PwC said in the report that assesses 30 major global cities on their economic and living conditions.

Shanghai ties with New York in ninth place as an urban gateway, and is first in foreign direct investment, hotel rooms and science skills attainment, PwC found. However, the city only ranks No. 27 for sustainability and natural environment, and is the fourth-most expensive city to live and run a business, PwC said.

“Economic strength as well as global attractiveness help form the unique charm of Shanghai,” said Nora Wu, PwC China Shanghai office lead partner. “At the same time, keeping the balance between economic development and environmental protection, effective control of cost and expenses, providing conditions for sustainable development are the key points for Shanghai to appeal and retain talent and enterprises.”

By overall score, Shanghai ranks 20th while London, New York and Singapore are the three most attractive cities in the world, PwC said.
