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Nankai University students stage English dramas

Four English dramas, all produced and performed as a class project by English and translation major students from the College of Foreign Languages in Nankai University in Tianjin, took the stage on July 10.

The students’ teacher, Zhang Yali, said the plays are part of the students’ course work, accounting for 2.5 credits, and are open to the public.

Additionally, Zhang said, they typify the college’s traditional method of teaching by combining knowledge with out-of-class practice.

Xie Yushan, director of the play Singin’ in the Rain, said that rehearsal was not an easy process, with conflicts arising when roles were assigned. “But what’s lucky for us is that we fought for the same goal, overcame all the obstacles, and became more united.”

The stage activity is also part of research titled “The Effects of Dramatization on English Literature Comprehension”, which is also conducted by some of the English major students.

Drama plays have a long history at Nankai University and have become part of its culture.

Zhang Boling (1876-1951), former president of Nankai University, advocated for students to perform drama and bring it into the school’s education.

Zhou Enlai, late premier and a distinguished alumnus of Nankai University, used to take part in the school’s opera troupe. Famous playwright Cao Yu also was an alumnus of the university.
