Author Archives: admin
Shanghai ranks 5th in economic influence
Shanghai remains the fifth-most economically influential city globally but it has a long way to go in terms of living environment, PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report yesterday. London, Beijing, New York and Paris are the top-four cities for economic clout, … Continue reading
China inaugurates first environmental court
In Fuzhou, a special court for environmental cases was opened on Friday in East China’s Fujian province. It is the country’s first such specialized judiciary organ. The court affiliated to the Fujian Provincial Higher People’s Court has recruited 12 environmental, … Continue reading
Do you want to be rich? Study in Tianjin!
Euro – Asian Business Education Foundation in cooperation with the Cracow Universit of Technology and the Silesian University of Technology, invite everyone to attend the meeting with representatives of the four Chinese University of Tianjin city. During this event you … Continue reading
China must find unique way to build ecological civilization
China must find a way different from the industrialization in the West to build ecological civilization and realize sustainable development, which concerns the future of both the nation and the world. After solving the food and clothing problems of its … Continue reading
Environment protection law-enforcement agencies established in Guizhou
To fight crimes involving environmental protection and maintain a sustainable environment, multiple law-enforcement agencies have been established to solve relevant cases in Guizhou province, a senior official said on Thursday. This is also the first time a province has established … Continue reading
Paris-Beijing, French Focus on China, 1844-2014
Can we tell this story from the perspective of these French innumerable soldiers, diplomats, missionaries, or single travelers who have tried for over a century and a half to translate their fascination with China and the Chinese in photographs . … Continue reading